IGZO-TFT-PDK: Thin-Film Flexible Electronics Design Kit, Standard Cell and Design Methodology

IEEE Xplore
03/06/2024 09:31:07

With the increasing demand for transparent/flexible displays, healthcare sensors, and robotics, there is a need to advance the development of thin-film transistors (TFTs) manufacturing and large-scale circuits. This paper has proposed an IGZO-TFT-PDK to aid the educators and research community to explore the circuit design space of dual-gate IGZO-TFT devices. To solve the tensile force-induced current variation problem in IGZO-TFT devices, an omni-directional device and its layout template with a compensation methodology that mitigates its variation are proposed. A layout template is also proposed to speed up the design development flow of both analog and digital IGZO-TFT circuits. Based on the proposed layout template, a tensile force-insensitive standard cell library is proposed. We have implemented a 32-bit carry select adder to validate the usability of the standard cell library.

Source: IEEE Xplore

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