What is a Control System?

08/03/2024 10:49:08

What is a  Control System?

Control System Definition

A control system is defined as a system of devices that manages, commands, directs, or regulates the behavior of other devices or systems to achieve a desired result. A control system achieves this through control loops, which are a process designed to maintain a process variable at a desired set point.



Components of the control system


  • Controller

  • Controlled object

  • Executive mechanism

  • Transmitter


Features of a Control System

Explicit mathematical relationships


Control system requirements   

  • Accuracy

  • Sensitiveness

  • Low noise

  • Large bandwidth

  • High speed

  • Low oscillation



Type of control system

Open-loop control system : A control system in which the control actions are completely independent of the system output




Advantages of Open Loop Control Systems

  • Simple in construction and design.

  • Economical.

  • Easy to maintain.

  • Generally stable.

  • Convenient to use as output is difficult to measure.


Disadvantages of Open Loop Control System

  • They are inaccurate.

  • They are unreliable.

  • Any change in output cannot be corrected automatically.


Practical Examples of Open Loop Control Systems

  • Electric Hand Drier

  • Automatic Washing Machine

  • Bread Toaster

  • Light Switch



Closed-loop control system: In a control system, the output influences the input so that the input adjusts itself according to the output produced




Advantages of Closed Loop Control System

  • Closed loop control systems are more accurate even in the presence of non-linearity.

  • Highly accurate as any error arising is corrected due to the presence of a feedback signal.

  • The bandwidth range is large.

  • Facilitates automation.

  • The sensitivity of the system may be made small to make the system more stable.

  • This system is less affected by noise.


Disadvantages of Closed Loop Control System

  • They are costlier.

  • They are complicated to design.

  • Required more maintenance.

  • Feedback leads to an oscillatory response.

  • Overall gain is reduced due to the presence of feedback.

  • Stability is the major problem and more care is needed to design a stable closed loop system.


Practical Examples of Closed Loop Control System

  • Automatic Electric Iron

  • Servo Voltage Stabilizer

  • Water Level Controller

  • Cooling System in Car

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