What is Clamping Voltage?

08/05/2024 10:51:00

What is Clamping Voltage?

Clamping Voltage Definition

Clamping voltage is defined as the maximum voltage allowed to pass through a surge protector before it limits further voltage, protecting connected devices from surges.




Purpose and Operation

Surge protectors use clamping voltage to suppress excess voltage, ensuring devices remain safe from power surges.


Breakdown Voltage

Breakdown voltage is defined as the minimum voltage at which an insulator starts to conduct electricity, allowing current to flow.


Clamping vs Breakdown Voltage

Clamping voltage prevents excess voltage from passing, while breakdown voltage is the point where current starts flowing in a diode.




Let-Through Voltage

Clamping voltage is also known as let-through voltage, indicating the maximum voltage a surge protector lets through to connected devices.

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