Smart string energy storage substation

03/19/2024 14:34:57


Smart string  energy storage substation is a substation that integrates traditional substations and energy storage systems into one box. It mainly consists of transformers, circuit breakers, cable joints, isolation switches, current transformers, voltage transformers, capacitors, reactors, energy storage devices, and other auxiliary equipment. Among them, energy storage device is the core component of energy storage box type substation, which is composed of battery pack, energy storage controller, and charger.

Smart string  energy storage substations have been widely used in many fields due to their high reliability, small footprint, and convenient installation. Among them, typical application areas include:

1. Power system: 

Smart string  energy storage substations can serve as backup power sources for the power system, improving its stability and reliability. At the same time, it can also serve as a peak shaving power source for the power system, improving the load rate of the power system.

2. Urban distribution network: 

Smart string  energy storage substations can serve as backup power sources for urban distribution networks, improving the reliability and stability of the distribution network. At the same time, it can also serve as a peak shaving power source for urban distribution networks, improving the load rate of the distribution network.

3. Industrial field: 

Smart string  energy storage substations can serve as backup power sources in the industrial field, improving the stability and reliability of industrial production. At the same time, it can also serve as a peak shaving power source in the industrial field, improving the efficiency of industrial production.

4. Business field: 

Smart string  energy storage substations can serve as backup power sources in the commercial field, improving the stability and reliability of commercial activities. At the same time, it can also serve as a peak shaving power source in the commercial field, improving the efficiency of commercial activities.

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