04/12/2024 13:17:20


POWERCHINA's power grid business ranges from 400 V LV to 1,000 kV UHV, covering the whole value chain of financing, planning, design, supply, construction, O&M, R&D, etc, in the field of distribution and transmission subsector. Up to now, POWERCHINA has executed projects in more than 50 countries worldwide.


1.Brazil Belo Monte ±800 kV UHVDC Transmission Project, commissioned in 2019, is the first project that echoes the "go global" strategy in the field of UHV power transmission technology, as well as the first one in Latin America.


2.Al-Zulfi 380/132/33 kV BSP Substation Project (502 MVA) is commissioned in 2018. It is the first substation project in the 380 kV class of the client, Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), to realize the zero punch list energization.


3.Three Gorges-Jinmen ±500 kV Transmission Line is commissioned in 2011, with a large crossing span across the Yangtze River of 1,827 km, in which the nominal tower height is 120 m.


4.Visayas-Mindanao Interconnection Project (under construction) is the first oversea submarine HVDC transmission project of POWERCHINA. The client is National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) and the capacity is 450 MW and 900 MW for Phase I and II of the project respectively.


5.Angola Soyo-Kapara Transmission Line and Substation Project is commissioned in 2017 with a 350-km 400 kV transmission line and four 400 kV substations with a total capacity of 1,290 MVA. The client of this project is the Ministry of Energy and Water of Angola.


6. Power Grid Modernization in Bata Project

POWERCHINA undertakes the update of 110/35/20/0.4/0.23 kV power grid, a new dispatch center, and the restoration of the city lighting system in Bata city, Equatorial Guinea. The project is commissioned by the client Ministry of Mining, Industry and Energy of Equatorial Guinea.


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